BLCD: Abunai Shiawase Chou Bangaihen (Shiozawa Kaneto x Morikawa Toshiyuki)

Title: Abunai Shiawase Chou Bangaihen (危ない幸せ超番外編) (15/8/1999)

Rating: Recommended

Quick Summary:
Abunai Shiawase Chou Bangaihen is a Doujin BLCD featuring the characters from Abunai Series (危ないシリーズ) and Sakurazawa Gakuen Seibutsubu Series (桜沢学園生物部シリーズ), novels written by author Ikaruga Sahara 斑鳩サハラ. This CD was illustrated by Hayasaka Shizuka 早坂静.

The first part of the CD features characters from Abunai series and parodied fairy tales such as Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, just to name a few. They placed the various characters into these fairy tale scenarios, and based on their personalities, the results of their interactions are hilarious! Even if you haven’t listened to the other related CDs, you’ll also be able to enjoy the comedy. But if you did, you’ll understand this CD better and it is even funnier. What I like most about this CD is that the seiyuus seem to be having so much fun doing it X3 And the *beeep beeep* censor sounds added to the riotous fun.

The second part features characters from Sakurazawa Gakuen Seibutsubu Series. The side story has one of the hottest H scenes I’ve ever heard but it is very disturbing due to the controversial brother x brother pairing ^^” Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The seiyuu talk was also very funny ^^

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BLCD: Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume wo Miru (Yusa Kouji x Nakamura Yuuichi)

Title: Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume wo Miru 窮鼠はチーズの夢を見る (27/02/2008 ) (Manga)

The two part sequel:
Sojou no Koi wa Nido Haneru (Manga)
俎上の鯉は二度跳ねる (yay~)
25 Nov 2009 and 25 Dec 2009

Yusa Kouji x Nakamura Yuuichi
遊佐浩二 x 中村悠一

Ootomo Kyouichi 大伴恭一: Nakamura Yuuichi 中村悠一
Imagase Wataru 今ヶ瀬 渉: Yusa Kouji 遊佐浩二
Natsuki 夏生: 五十嵐麗 Igarashi Rei
Ootomo Chikako 大伴知佳子: 生天目仁美 Nabatame Hitomi

Rating: Recommended

Quick Summary:
Ootomo (Nakamura Yuuichi) is a nice man but has a very indecisive personality. He is in his late 20s and married but is involved in many extramarital affairs. One day, he finds himself confronted by a private investigator employed by his wife. It turns out that the private investigator is his junior from college, Imagase (Yusa Kouji) whom he has not met for 7 years. Imagase has harboured a hopeless, secret love for Ootomo since their college days which he has not been able to get over with even after all these years. In return for keeping the information from his wife, he wants Ootomo, who has a very negative view of gays, to repay him with sexual favours.

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