Title: Kuimonodokoro Akira くいもの処 明楽 (26/09/2007)
Nojima Hirofumi x Nakai Kazuya
野島裕史 x 中井和哉
w/ Narita Ken 成田剣, Ookawa Tooru 大川透, Yoshino Hiroyuki 吉野裕行
Rating: Recommended
Quick Summary:
Slice-of-life story based on manga by Yamashita Tomoko. 32 year-old tavern manager of Kuimonodokoro Akira, Akira (Nakai Kazuya) leads a hurried and busy life. One day, he receives a sudden love confession from his male colleague, 26 year-old Torihara (Nojima Hirofumi). Although he has never given prior thought to the possibility of dating a man, he gives the proposal a serious consideration and struggles with his pride as an older man facing a younger, and male pursuer.
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