Mild do-S Natsume and cute whiny Nyanko Sensei to make waking up a fun affair every morning
Title: Natsume Yuujinchou Voice Alarm Clock Natsume & Nyanko Sensei
夏目友人帳 音声入り目覚まし時計/夏目&ニャンコ先生
Planned price: 7,140 yen
Planned release date: 19 April 2012
Movic Japan Link:
Size: approx. 183 x 128 x 70mm
Materials: metal (clock), with full color print on paper (face)
Requires three AA batteries (included)
Description from Movic pre-order page.
Voiced by:
Kamiya Hiroshi 神谷浩史 (Natsume( Takashi) and
Inoue Kazuhiko 井上和彦 (Nyanko-sensei)
There are three patterns to choose from:
1) Pattern One:
ニャンコ先生 む、なんだか旨そうな白アスバラの香りがするぞ…。 どれ、腹も減ったし、食べてみるか…。
Nyanko Sensei: Mu… seems that there’s a delicious aroma of white asparagus. Let me see, since I’m hungry, let me try to eat it…
夏目 うわっ!また寝ぼけてるな先生!いい加減起きろ!
Natsume: Uwa! Sensei is half-asleep again! Wake up already!
ニャンコ先生 くーっ!凶暴なやつめ!いつか必ず喰ってやるー!
Nyanko Sensei: Ugh! Violent guy! I’ll definitely eat you up some day!
2) Pattern Two
夏目 先生、起きろ!朝だぞ!…またどこかで呑んで来たんだな…。
Natsume: Sensei, wake up! It’s morning! Did he come back after having drinks somewhere again?
ニャンコ先生 ん~…夏目、もうエビフライは食べられんぞ。
Nyanko Sensei: Nnn… Natsume, can’t eat any more fried shrimp.
夏目 夢の中でもエビフライを 食べているのか… それ以上食べると、ブタネコじゃなくてただのブタになるぞ!
Natsume: He is eating fried shrimp even in his dream?
If he eats any more, he’ll not just be a pig-like cat, he’ll become a pig!
3) Pattern Three
夏目 ニャンコ先生、まだ寝てるのか?今日は出掛ける日だぞ。しょうがない。先生は置いて行くか…。
Natsume: Nyanko Sensei, is he still sleeping? We are going out today. Can’t be helped. Should I leave sensei behind and go by myself…
ニャンコ先生 おい、夏目!聞こえているぞ!私を置いて行こうだなんていい度胸だな!
Nyanko Sensei: Oi, Natsume! I heard that! You have some nerve to leave me behind!
夏目 なんだ、起きてるんじゃないか。早く支度しないと、約束の時間に遅れるぞ。
Natsume: What? You’re awake, aren’t you. If you don’t get ready quickly, we’ll be late for our appointment.
Definitely a cute clock to own but at that usual Movic voice clock price of 7,140 Yen orz;;; I’ll have to think long and hard about it =_= Too many goods that are spreading this fujoshi’s money thin.
Anyway, I find it very cute that Natsume can be very do-S (sadistic) when it comes to Nyanko Sensei. We can hear that in the script for this clock too but that’s not enough to make me shell out that much $$$ for the clock. Goes into the wishlist I guess.
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I love the relashionship of these two <3
I'm not fond of clocks, unfortunately (for Movic).
I seem to write many typos nowadays =_=
@Mayon: no worries lol~ I’ve seen BL doujin where Nyanko Sensei is in male human form~ HOT. :D
I saw them too :D
They’re so shippable~!
@Mayon: Yeah, so HOT XD~
It is beautiful clock, one of the best i’ve seen in a good long while. Hope someone reviews it with voices.
@sigma: I hope the clock doesn’t get sold out too… would be nice to have definitely. Please give me a buzz if u spot a voice review X3
…;A; I am sorry, Natsume, I can’t buy you. My bank account will bleed after I buy the Yuuchi clock, so…sorry. I AM BUYING YOUR VOICE MASCOTS, SO DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT TAT
How I love and hate the Japanese for their merchandises….xD
@Celestie: I’m trying to comfort myself with the voice mascots too… these things… Why so expensive ( ToT)/
asdfg very cute but omg that price…. but natsume…. /cries
@Niii: /cries with uuuu
As. Its cute but too expensive. I would have loved to get it since I adore natsume and its kamiyan Haha. But yea if it had more.features or selling points I’d get it. For now, its on my long wishlist
@momo: Agrees… wishlisted too :-\
Ahhh it’s so expensive. I’m glad Yuujinchou is getting more merch though.
@Vaiyoretto: Yeah… maybe Natsume will get a dakimakura cover next lol~
or a nendoroid or something.
@Vaiyoretto: I was thinking the same thing :D
How did I not know that Inoue-san was voice of sensei?! Where have I been? *jaw drops* I read and love the manga but anime is at soo many episodes I find it intimidating (same case for Zetsubou Sensei) but that revelation may move it up my list. If dialog was a bit more to my liking clock might have fought for a spot on my Spring purchase list with Utapri clocks.
@Prettyvillain: Better late than never! But I don’t blame you though, cos most of us wouldn’t have known if we didn’t look at the cast list :D Yeah compared to Natsume’s clock, the two Utapri ones are so far definitely more moe…