Goods: Boys in Summer LalaParadise Pillow Case (Custom, Togainu no Chi, Sweet Pool)

Hotness prevails! Remember these boys?

Yep, Togainu no Chi’s Shiki and Akira as well as Tetsuo and Youji from Sweet pool from the winning entry of my Birthday Contest back in May 2011 :D

The artist, PinkStripedMellon (Veronica Diaz) asked me sometime back if I was interested in her custom-designed sexy bishonen dakimakura hugging cushion covers. I asked her to make a pillow case out of the her winning entry and here’s the result! XD

I felt really excited and happy when I received it. I didn’t expect it to be so awesome! The artwork looks gorgeous printed on the pillow case! Fabulous colours! It brightened up my bedroom instantly :3

The pillow case measures 70cm by 50cm. I didn’t know it was actually the same size as a usual pillow case. But it’s great cos I don’t have to spend extra money to buy a custom sized one (^-^)v

Couldn’t help getting distracted by Tetsuo’s hot abs and pecs as I unzipped the pillow case lol~

It should have been easy to stuff a pillow into the case but the only extra pillow I had was really fat and thick ^^;; I had to forcefully squeeze it inside the small opening, taking extra care not to tear it accidentally OTL;; Took me at least 15 minutes to finally get the whole pillow inside…

My comfy, fatty pillow puffed up the pillow case and shortened Tetsuo’s legs lol~

Here’s another view. The other side of the pillow is plain white. Good for those times when you need to be discreet (until someone decides to turn it over lol~) But there’s nothing wrong with men with hot bods in swimming trunks, is there? XD So, nothing to hide *displays proudly*

Akira’s crotch and Shiki’s ass :D~
The material is smooth and shiny, similar to that of Shukan Soine mini dakimakura.

Anyway, I was so happy with the pillow case I ordered 2 more for safekeeping ^^;; US$25 each including shipping.

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23 thoughts on “Goods: Boys in Summer LalaParadise Pillow Case (Custom, Togainu no Chi, Sweet Pool)”

    1. @sigma: The artist works with her printer and she is located in Indonesia. I think nowadays most larger print houses should have this service? Like where we go to print our T-shirts.

  1. here for the ft figure:

  2. Of the german fairy tail page have someone tell, that the fairy tail figure are limited of 2000 and have a price of 200 dollar o.O

  3. @ponytale: do you think she would make a pillow cover with this image for me too if I ask? Or was it a special thing only for you?

  4. Here is the pillow: Both the older version of HARU & Dmitri see the doujinshi….. ( I love all the arts of the different artists ^^) HARU & DMITRI

    I don´t know when is the release date of him

  5. Nice, I like pillows…I have this pillow: * I like both*

    I want him:

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