Goods: It’s raining men this April (Nendoroid Bakuman Mashiro Moritaka, Takagi Akito, Kyon, Kinoshita Hideyoshi)

Meet four bishie nendoroid figures planned for release this April 2011! Continue reading “Goods: It’s raining men this April (Nendoroid Bakuman Mashiro Moritaka, Takagi Akito, Kyon, Kinoshita Hideyoshi)”

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Goods: More boy figures! Bleach Play Arts Kai (Hitsugaya Toushiro, Kurosaki Ichigo)

Not exactly new information but these figures are now available in most stores in US for $39.90 ~ $42. I don’t follow Bleach (too many episodes! so maybe one day…) but I thought it is pretty cool when I watched the first few episodes. Continue reading “Goods: More boy figures! Bleach Play Arts Kai (Hitsugaya Toushiro, Kurosaki Ichigo)”

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