BL Anime: Antique Bakery (Fujiwara Keiji, Miki Shinichiro, Miyano Mamoru)

Antique BakeryAs we say goodbye to the first season of Junjou Romantica, here comes a new BL anime that you shouldn’t miss :) Antique Bakery アンティーク~西洋骨董洋菓子店~!

This series, depicting the lives of four men who work in a small bakery, is based on manga by Yoshinaga Fumi よしながふみ, the mangaka who gave us memorable and touching BL stories such as Gerard & Jacques ジェラールとジャック that has engaging plot and well-fleshed out characters. It won the 2002 Kodansha Manga Award for the shojo manga category. Slated for 12 episodes and featuring some of my favourite seiyuus, such as Miki Shinichirou and Miyano Mamoru as the leads… I’m a happy girl ^^

Official site:
US Licensed DVD collection with English subs here!

Quick Summary (edited from ANN & Wiki)
The story revolves around four men who maintain a small yet elegant cafe known as “Antique”: Tachibana Keisuke/Keiichiro (橘 圭一郎), Ono Yuusuke (小野 裕介), Kanda Eiji (神田 えいじ) and Kobayakawa Chikage (小早川 千影). Continue reading “BL Anime: Antique Bakery (Fujiwara Keiji, Miki Shinichiro, Miyano Mamoru)”

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Goods: Come over here, you sexy thing – Kirihara Naoto (Night Head Genesis)

Naoto Kirihara
This is one yummy, sexy action figure! Continue reading “Goods: Come over here, you sexy thing – Kirihara Naoto (Night Head Genesis)”

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