Anime: Zetsubou-sensei BL fan service

Zetsubou BL

In the latest episode of the third season, Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, sensei finally DID IT… Lol~ Continue reading “Anime: Zetsubou-sensei BL fan service”

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BL Anime: Sex Pistols OVA (Sugita Tomokazu x Hatano Wataru)

Sex Pistols OVAThe news that Sex Pistols (manga by Kotobuki Tarako 寿たらこ) is going to be made into an OVA isn’t new… I haven’t been following the developments closely but I just found out that Hatano Wataru was cast as Fujiwara Shiro opposite Sugita Tomokazu‘s Madarame Yonekuni!

Update October 2009!
Release date announced:

Sex Pistols DVD Vol 1: 26 March 2010
Sex Pistols DVD Vol 2: (Delayed) 27 April 2011
Damage: 9,975 Yen (w/tax)

I fell in love with Shiro when I read the manga… he is such a sexy uke without intending to ^^ and his seme is pure manly goodness. I’m so looking forward to the massive nosebleed it is going to induce when the 2-episode OVA is released.

Hatano Wataru voices Sam/Toward the Terra, Youji/Sweet Pool, and Sugita Tomokazu is Gintoki/Gintama, Kyon/Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, Solder Blue/Toward the Terra. Continue reading “BL Anime: Sex Pistols OVA (Sugita Tomokazu x Hatano Wataru)”

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