BL Anime: Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi 世界一初恋 (Konishi Katsuyuki x Kondo Takashi)

Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi 世界一初恋 by Junjou Romantica 純情ロマンチカ mangaka Nakamura Shungiku 中村春菊 was aired in Japan on 8 April 2011.

Update: Well generally speaking, Sekai Ichi anime didn’t disappoint. I’ve watched the OVA and like to say that it reminded me of everything I loved about Junjou Romantica <3

From the looks of it, the art style of the manga/anime definitely looks very Junjou-ish. The main characters Onodera Ritsu and Takano Masamune also look like a younger Miyagi x older Shinobu from Junjou Terrorist.

By the way, the story is set at the same publishing company in Junjou Romantica, so we’ll get to see a familiar face or two from the manga, such as Isaka Ryuuichiro.

They’re also keeping the original cast from the drama CDs which is great. Generally, I find that in terms of the entertaining and comedic factor, Junjou Romantica is a lot funnier. I’ve read comments however that this series is a lot more believable and down-to-earth. What do you think?

As a sneak peak and commemorative gesture for the upcoming anime, a 20-minute anime DVD will be bundled with the manga that will be released in March 2011. I hope it has different content from the actual TV broadcast :)

Title: Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Vol. 5 Ritsu Onodera no Baai

Price: 3800yen
Release date: 23 March 2011/ Season 2 October 2011 / Movie: 2014
Limited edition includes a bonus DVD (20 minutes) and a special box.

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