Anime: Kuroko’s Basketball, Kuroko no Basuke (Ono Kenshou, Ono Yuuki)

Let’s play basketball! Kise Ryouta and his Kurokocchi. Continue reading “Anime: Kuroko’s Basketball, Kuroko no Basuke (Ono Kenshou, Ono Yuuki)”

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Survey: FUNimation 2012 New Anime Title Feedback (Sekakoi, Utapri, Uraboku)

Want Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Utapri & Uraboku anime licensed in English and in DVD/Blu-ray format for your collection? Tell FUNimation! Continue reading “Survey: FUNimation 2012 New Anime Title Feedback (Sekakoi, Utapri, Uraboku)”

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